“本来面目” Master Sheng Yen 圣严法师 Documentary 纪实电影

本來面目 is a beautifully made documentary about the life of renowned buddhist monk Master Sheng Yen 圣严法师. I’ve watched…

Noble Silence: An introduction

Noble Silence 圣默然, Focus and Dealing with Distraction

On most days, my mind becomes restless the moment I wake up. As soon as I open my eyes, I start thinking about…

Chinese Calligraphy and Sutra Copying

Chinese Calligraphy & Heart Sutra Copying

I'm taking a break from my on-and-off pottery journey and other leisure outings, as I'm currently seeking solidarity…

The Diamond Sutra: Study Notes

六识 能认识世界的六个要素:六识。即眼识,耳识,鼻识,舌识,身识,意识。 这是能认识的主体。为简略起见,将这六识合称为“心识”,或简称为“心”。 六境 所认识的世界:六境。即色,声,香,味,触,法。 这是被认识的客体。…